Sunday 23 June 2013

Green T getting around

On Friday I was excited to spot Green T whilst I was following Green E's flock in Bayswater. He had travelled that day from Carine to meet up with Green E who had travelled from Bentley. These cockatoos can definitely get around!

They were feeding on liquid amber seeds near Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary before they drank from a nearby stream. They like to drink just before flying to roost for the night. Usually they drink quite close to where they will roost but Green E and Green T flew all the way to Bentley which is almost 9km away 'as the cockatoo flies'. It took me over 30 minutes to drive what took them only a few minutes to fly - peak hour traffic and a river to cross via bridge doesn't help me to keep up at all!

The few minutes before sunset is magic for photographing Carnaby's cockatoos. They can be a tricky contrasty subject with their dark feathers and white cheeks and tail panels. In this portrait of Green T you can even see that he has brown eyes. He still has a light coloured bill but his eye ring is starting to turn pink so he is getting close to maturity. His tracking device has lasted an amazing 80 days so far which is double the expected battery life. Go Green T!