The sixth Great Cocky Count (GCC), WA’s biggest
survey for the endangered Carnaby’s Cockatoo, will be held on Sunday 6
April 2014. During this annual community-based survey, volunteers count
Carnaby’s at night-time roost sites across the southwest of the state on a
single night in April. The 2014 GCC will also count red-tailed black cockatoos.
A key aim of the GCC is to survey as many roost
sites as possible. Your help is needed to make the 2014 GCC the biggest survey
Register to monitor a roost site on Sunday 6 April 2014
Fill out the 2014 volunteer registration form to
express your interest in conducting a roost count for the 2014 GCC (See below for contact details for the count coordinator to request a form). There are
several hundred sites to monitor, so we need your help!
Report a roost site
Help us to identify more roost sites for both
white-tailed and red-tailed black-cockatoos. Roosts are places where
black-cockatoos rest at night. Important information on the location of
critical roosting habitat is collected through the GCC, and is increasing with
every GCC completed. If you know about a night-time roost site, please email or
call the count coordinator.
Tell your friends and colleagues about the GCC
Use your networks to spread the word about the GCC.
Facebook, Twitter, email, and word-of-mouth are all great ways to encourage
people to get involved.
For more information about the GCC, or to tell us
about a roost site for white-tailed or red-tailed black-cockies, contact Hugh Finn on 9287 2251 or 0400
177 615 or at
The 2014 Great Cocky Count is funded by Perth
Region NRM through the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country program.